According to Human Design, a new species of human will start to arrive on Earth. The Solar Plexus or psychological centre of those children will have evolved into a new kind of awareness, often referred to as spirit awareness. These kids will be the group consciousness and will change the world through unconditional love.
Our role in welcoming and supporting these children and their soul Awareness is to enable them to openly express their gifts and meet their character is purpose and mission in this incarnation
Human Design is a tool to help unfold, interpret and comprehend Human uniqueness and potential. Human Design is a synthesis of Eastern and Western Astrology, Chinese, Inching, Kabbalah, the Hindu Chakra System and Quantum Physics.
Prior to conception, the Spirit created a blueprint of the energy signature to get chart human design for saying in this incarnation. This report describes the five Human Design Types or signatures and a few simple, yet effective, strategies to enable children to unfold in their magnificence.
A Manifestor has definition in the Root, Solar Plexus or Heart Centre into the Throat centre, which permits them to initiate or take part in an activity without waiting or needing anybody else help. Their life function is to impact others through the initiation of their own action. The Manifestor’s strategy is to notify others before taking action. When a child is after their approach, they experience peace and absence of immunity; they undergo resistance, anger and possible rejection when they are not following their approach. It is important to comprehend and acknowledge their need for independence and liberty and also to teach them to recognize the importance of communicating in gaining input, opinions and dedication from others affected by their choice or actions.
A Manifestor child needs to:
- politely and respectfully ask permission of those who will be affected By their own decision or activity
- learn patience when waiting for a reply from others
- learn how to take care of rejection and resistance
- be given responsibility for actions or activities they can do in their own
- be given space to spend some time alone
- take a rest or go to bed before getting tired
When a child is after their plan, they experience satisfaction and if they are not following their approach, they experience frustration and the Manifesting Generator child will also experience anger. It is essential for the child to stay patient when awaiting the special invitation which will permit them to engage their whole life force energy. Should they get impatient and respond without waiting for their inner answer, they will find themselves in unsatisfying and unrewarding scenarios which could affect their self respect and self love.